🕹️ 游戏简介:
《侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市》Mac版是一款深受玩家喜爱的动作冒险游戏,以犯罪为主题,讲述了黑手党杀手汤米·维赛迪出狱后发生的一系列事件。游戏背景设定在罪城(Vice City,原型为美国迈阿密),灵感来源于美国电影《疤面煞星》。玩家将操控汤米,在罪城中展开一段充满犯罪与冒险的旅程。
🗺️ 游戏背景:
🎮 游戏秘籍:
thugs tools
:获得棍子类武器professional tools
:获得枪类武器nutter tools
:获得变态武器precious protection
:获得坦克sea ways
:车辆可在水中行驶you wont take me alive
:获得2个警察抓你的星星leave me alone
:警察星星变零a pleasant day
:好天气a lovely day
:超好天气a bit drieg
:云天cats and dogs
:雨天cant see a thing
:雾天life is passing me by
:时间过得更快big bang
:附近所有车子爆炸still like dressing up
:换玩家的人物fight fight fight
:街上人打架nobody likes me
🚗 车辆秘籍:
on speed
:行走速度减慢wheels are all ineed
:车辆仅留轮子come fly with me
:车辆飞行grip is everything
:车辆有喷汽弹射功能chases tat
:2颗星以上显示媒体级别chicks with guns
:手下变MM(前提得做老大)i cant take it anymore
:自杀green light
:所有红绿灯变绿miami traffic
:路上车子开的很快ah air dresser scar
:路上的车全变成紫色i want it pain ted black
:路上的车全变成爆炸后的颜色travel in style
:车辆会飞the last ride
:获得葬礼车rock and roll car
:获得豪华轿车rubbish car
:获得垃圾车get the refast
:获得 SABRE TURBObetter than walking
🎨 人物皮肤秘籍:
look like lance
:LANCE皮肤my son is a lawyer
:律师皮肤i look like hilary
:HILARY SKINrock and roll man
:摇滚舞者皮肤one armed bandit
:强盗皮肤i dont have the money sonny
:MAFIOSI SKINloads of little things
:附近的人上你的车air ship
:快艇会飘起来foxy little thing
:MAFIOSI DAUGHTER SKIN (女儿)we love our dick
:SCOTTISH SKIN (苏格兰人)get there quickly
:获得快车子get there very fast indeed
:获得超快车get there amazingly fast
:获得超超快车fanny magnet
:女人都会被你吸引cheats have been cracked
:BALDGUY SKINcertain death
:嘴里叼跟烟deep fried mars bars
转载请注明来自武汉楚汉良匠办公家具有限公司,本文标题:《侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市 for Mac中文版(附游戏秘籍) 》